Spooky - Gender Anarchist
2008-11-26 07:58:18 UTC
The one thing I'm wondering is the comparison between MtF and FtM reassignment surgery. I don't know, to me, it seems a little unfair. A MtF pateint's genitals are reshaped from a penis into a vagina, with clitoris and penetration capabilities. A FtM's genitals are reshaped in many cases to an undersized, non-functioning penis, there are testicular implants, and in some cases, the vagina is kept intact? It was stated this was for urinary purposes (because you would have to extend the urinary tract through the newly-fashioned penis, a surgical procedure which is not always successful). This means despite being a man, they still have to sit to pee, not stand, and they're still left in what appears to me to be a somewhat ambiguous genital state.
Is this accurate? I understands there are limits to human biology, and what can be done surgically, but it seems like FtM transsexuals are at an disadvantage when it comes to genital reassignment surgery.
It is easier to take away tissue than to add to it - or creating something from nothing - but with technological advances being what they are, isn't there more that can be done?