No. And there is no debate. A couple years ago, in the 70's the American Psychiatric Assotian almost randomly declassified homosexuality as a psychological disorder, despite that there is NO evidance that suggests it is something people are born with: a hormonal disorder, or a brain tissue disorder. Why? Simple, the 60's and 70's were the era of "its okay to be gay.", its no wonder that in the same decade homosexuality was ruled as natural. I want you to put your thinking cap on:
Hormonal- Your hormones affect mood, growth, and metabolism, not descision making. As far as "they" are concerned, it doesnt matter what the gender of the lips you kiss are, and they cant tell the differance. Its your brain that releases sex hormones when it believe intimacy is imenant, theres a rumour going on that says homosexual men carry the condition because they have more estrogen then usual. Wirh all due respect to believers, its the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. Look at the leader of Hitler's S.A. back in the day, he was gay, and I can tell you one thing: I highly doubt he lacked testoscerone. Prison rapists that pounce on those that drop the sope, yeah, they sure have a lot of room for estrogen under those tattoos.
Brain- The part of the brain that controls sex can be twisted into thinking anything is intimacy, including flatulance. But you see, your brain learns, you have to teach it to read, write, walk, talk, everything. If it is possible that the sex part of the brain can be born into seeing the same sex as sexual (say THAT three times fast), then it would also be possible for one drop a baby into the amazon rainforest, let it grow up, and at a certain age it would know perfect English and the theory of relativity. When you become sexually active, what happens is the hormones in your body make the brain long for a feeling (no need to be more detailed), what you want that feeling to come from is where the brain comes in to play. That, my freind, is where things get screwed up, and one can be influenced into homosexuality.
Your combination theory- I dont see how it would work.
Arguers against all this would simply say that doctors ruled that it is not a psychological disorder, and that I am not one. But they could not look at those doctors, and tell me, "Oh look! It turns out hormones actually completely dictate what someone does and thinks! They proved it!" (they havent...) and they cant tell me, "Oh look at that! A study shows your brain is completely influenced by genes, and that baby they dropped in the amazon rainforest is eventually going to talk in the English language and write the theory of relativity in a trees bark."