2009-09-03 11:22:13 UTC
For my first question, I want to know for trans parents who have biological children of their own, what kind of parental pronouns the children use for them. I know this can vary from parent to parent who is trans, but hearing a what is out there will help me a lot in figuring out what to use for my character. While I'm namely interested in the pronouns used for a MTF parent, hearing how FTM biological parents are referred to would also be helpful.
My second question is namely directed towards post-op transsexual women. I know that after sex reassignment surgery, a transsexual woman no longer produces testosterone in their bodies and in a way is at a hormonal disadvantage to natal women. I was wondering if it's possible for a transsexual woman to opt to have enough testosterone in their hormone therapy to put them at a level comparable with natal women, and if is possible if any transwomen do this.
The reason why I'm asking these is because the character in my book is a parent (one child the traditional way and the other though sperm stored before she transitioned) , does triathlons and other competitive sport competitions, and has a tough time coping with not being as strong as she used to be.
Any thoughtful answers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.