2013-01-14 18:10:31 UTC
So, in September 2012, my dad got a call from missionaries. He invited them over cause he wanted me and my brother to talk to them for at least 5 minutes or so, as teenagers. So, I was fine with that. They came over and told me about the book of mormon and invited me to read, which I did. I got really interested in this and they continued coming over on Thursdays and talking to us. One missionary left, and so another one came. Then that one left and another came. So there was one missionary that had been around since the first time they came over. I was getting used to him the most and it just felt normal. And...I started to develop feelings for him some time in early December and I think maybe end of November. I already looked at some Q&A stuff on here so I know missionaries are not aloud to date. So then I really started to like him and I always really looked forward to when him and the other missionary came over on Thursday and seeing him at church. Even though I knew I couldn't actually "be with him", I was still really happy just seeing him twice a week.
This past Sunday, he told me that he was being transferred. This really made me sad, as you can probably guess. I really wanted to ask him if there was some way we could stay in touch, but I was too scared and I thought that it might be inappropriate or not right. (btw, I'm 15 and I'm pretty sure he's 19 turning 20 this year, so quite a bit of an age gap) But I ended up asking what his first name was and he told me and said that I could add him on Facebook. THAT, I was quite happy about :) But I soon found out that his mission won't end until about May 2014, and so that got me a bit sad again. :/
He's leaving this Wednesday and I really want to ask him if there's a way we can stay in touch even when he's still on his mission. I've checked other Q&A's on here and lots of people said that it's fine to keep in touch with him by email or letter just as long as you're not being too distracting. And then lots of other people said that you shouldn't do that, cause it'll distract them from their mission. I completely understand that and I wouldn't want to distract him from his mission, but isn't really his decision of whether it's distracting him or not? Like if I asked if we could stay in touch and he said that it would be too distracting for him, well, I'd have to put up with that and wait till he's finished his mission so he can go on Facebook. So, I don't know, I really really want to ask him if we could stay in touch by email or letter while he's still on his mission, but i'm not sure if I should cause 1. it's not right? and 2. it would be right in front of the other missionary and my dad....kind of awkward
And also the province he's going to is actually right next to the one we're in now, so...I guess letters could work..
I'm also definitely going to pray about this and try to have as much faith as I can.
So, if anyone could give me advice on this and what to do before Tuesday night that would be great :)
Thank you