ok im 17 I had this problem before starting a couple years ago, I remember always being horny, i even had wet dreams before i was 8 lol,(semen and everything) I even humped walls when i was around 8, anyways i was never attracted to guys, I always like girls, i always masterbated to girls, but 2 years ago my bro told me a story about a how a guy grown up to become bi and It FREAKED ME OUT! SOO bad, i had a TON of anxiety, i kept constantly checkin myself if i liked guys or not, But i got over and moved on, Well anyways to get to the point, a couple days ago i had a wet dream, BUT it was a gay 1, but i didn't freak out because it happened before and was over that, and that Day I was incredibly HORNY! at school i was eyeing every girl like a hawk, even the 1's that i thought weren't so hot where like turnin me on that day, And i was so hard and aroused around my GF at school i was trying to get sexual around her, I am a virgin so maybe thats Y im so horny, Plus i quit masterbating for about 8 months now, but when i was home i was Super horny and then i saw this porn picture on my comp screen, and then my pants where burning, but heres the real disguting part, my lil nephews is 12 and he came over, he always want to chill with me and stuff, but he acting REALLY gay, like he was saying all this gay **** and i was like chill, and then he started playin with me abit( I thought he was joking) and he pushed me, and i got HARD, i was like WTF, and i went outside everytime i got hard around him( I was VERY Horny before i saw him), he was so Annoying cuz i was already SUPER horny and he was right there, and i didn't want to do anything with him(EWW) but i was Aroused, I wasn'y trying to do him, but he kinda was, but when i thought about it I got so AROUSED at the time, and 1 point he played with my pants and i kept brushin it off and for some reason i thought about some gay **** with him, and i nutted in my pants, like i had a ORGASM,And I was like 0 **** this can't BE! I wanted to Punch Him in the face, I dont want that to happen EVER AGAIN But at the same time I was Very Mad at Him the WHOLE TIME, because it was like he was trying to take advantage of my HORNYNESS, so i went outside, SO i ask u is this because im gay, or is it because i Literally have never been this Horny In my Entire LIFE!!!!! Now not attracted to guys, i love girls, but I was SUPER HORNIER after looking at porn plus i dont masterbate, And l8ter on i thought about this sexy girl and i got an ORGASM ( i nutted and everything), , I do like girls, and i even looked and some gay pictures but those don't make hard or turned on AT ALL, I love girls though, So i ask HElp me, have any of u ever been through this, Am i bi or was i just a really horny straight guy, i mean I absolutely would have NEVER done anything with him, but I kept getting horny some of the time and i was already Horny,, and i was mad as **** at him being like that
but the weird thing is (we was in my room most of the time) when i told myslef i would act like i normally would i stopped thinking about it and i didn't feel like i did, and that was GREAT, SO Any advice on this issue, I think my nephews a lil gay lol, Should i have asserted myself more, i didn't wanna hurt his feelings because he was staying the night, and i felt like Slammin his head against the wall. So am i like BI or gay, or was i just Horny and he was right there and his playing around and being gay got me going, i feel so gross typing this, I REALLY don't want to be gay i been having alot of success with girls lately, and i never been attracted to a guy i C ya know, I have been aroused by girls Plenty, I hope i was just horny i don't want that happening again, ( i even had a guy touch my nutz before when i was in bed in a hospital and i beat his @SS lol