There is nothing wrong with being bisexual,gay,or lesbian! Read this if you dont agree.?
2006-03-24 17:54:03 UTC
There is alot of controversy going on about homosexuality. I think its all a shame too. People say that God did not want there to be any homosexuals.GOD CREATED US People take a look, if he didnt want there to be any why do we have some. Im 16 and bisexual and proud of it. Wouldnt change it any other way. Some people are so stuck up on god saying that he didnt want homosexuals to exist. Wroooong, cus i know plenty of them , and they DO exist. Buy hey, some people are so stuck upon being ignorant and unopening to the fact that people are different. Being a bisexual, gay, or lesbian doesnt make anyone different. They eat, talk, walk the same way. Everyone has a right to be of different sexual orentation and its a shame when people are so upheaded and cannot accept it. DO WE ASK IS IT WRONG TO BE STRAIGH. No we dont. Why dont we? Ummm lets seeee, mabey because we have already accepted them. If people would stop being so upheaded we would have a waayyyyyyyyyy better world.
Sixteen answers:
2006-03-24 18:39:44 UTC
Fr. Chuck is right, Homosexuality is perverted and therefore should be banned, just like people who wear glasses (perverted eyes), people who have birthmarks (perverted skin), ooo, Alibinos! Talk about more perversion! Oh, and people who yodel! What kind of pervert would mess up a musical note like that? Its just like child molestation because all gay partners are innocents who don't understand what that kind of touching means.
2006-03-25 03:48:42 UTC
Discriminating against somebody because of their sexual orientation is EXACTLY the same as picking on people of different nationalities and colour, or picking on somebody because they are born disabled.

We came in to this world the same way as everyone else did and we have every right to be treated with equal respect.

It is a shame that there can be so many hateful, judgemental bigots spreading the word of 'God' and the like, when really they are just hiding behind their own insecurities and trying to give meaning to their own existence by trying to take away respectability from others.

Well I have news for all of those closed-minded gits.

We are here to stay. We have always been around and always will be.

Animals are even born gay in nature. It is a well-known fact observed by many zoo keepers and other animal-enthusiasts.

Does that mean animals animals have sinned too?

No, of course not. An animal cannot even comprehend sin so therefore it is not their 'sin' making them gay is it!

It's just the way they were made, in the way we are all made different. But yet some people feel that some elements of the human 'spectrum' don't need to be there.

What happens with a spectrum of white light when you take a certain colour out of it though?

It becomes impure. It is no longer what it was intended to be. The same can be said for the human race.

It takes all sorts to make up this world.

In summary, you can never take away our spirit.

We know what we are. And we are proud of it. And we know we will always have our place in the scheme of things, regardless of what anyone else thinks of us.
2006-03-25 03:48:39 UTC
Red Rocker said there was something "wrong" with homosexuals and stated the Darwin theory. What an idiot, anyone can see that we are the answer not the problem. Think about, if "straight" people continue to breed this world will be overpopulated(like it isn't already), AND ALL of our natural resources will be used up. By no means am I saying that gay people can not have kids, but look at the percentages. And he said if we were all gay we would die out, HELLLLLLOOOOO has he never heard of a SPERM BANKS or

DONOR EGGS. I am not the smartest guy around , but next time you(Red Rocker) are going to try and have an intelligent thought, make sure it is just that: INTELLIGENT.

P.S. My head may be in the sand, but it isn't in the sandbox!
2006-03-25 05:18:55 UTC
I think of it simple. Controversy will never end, not only about homosexuality, almost on every issue. Although I really hate judgemental people saying something is wrong or right, especially saying it in the name of God, it's something that will always exist. Yes, it's a shame. So I just go on with my life. I still go to church and don't care what people say about me. If they say I sin, that's my problem, this is MY life, they shouldn't make a fuss about it, anyway I know God still loves me.

Saying homosexual relationship is second best is a real understatement. Who can judge loving someone of the same gender has less quality?

Actually you can see the ignorant people don't really understand what they're objecting of.. comparing homosexuals with child molestors... including homesexuality in the "self preservation & survival of the species" theory.. ??? What's the context?

Maybe it's just my simple mind that doesn't get it...
2006-03-25 08:36:06 UTC
You know, the more people use religion to discriminate people who have different sexual preference or lifestyle the more I despise religion and the people who follow it.

I do not see nor have found anything wrong with people who are homosexual, bisexuals, crossdressers, transgenders ect..

And to fr_chuck, if you are a real priest why or what qualifies you to give relationship advice? Do you mean to tell me that a priest is more qualifies in giving advice about relationships than say someone like dr. ruth???

This is a perfect example of a religious person who sticks his nose in matters that he has no qualifications what so ever.

Secondly are you and all other religious people saying that with religion people would be morally "good" and sin would not exist???

Third, the same people who claim homosexuality, bisexuals, crossdressers, transgenders are very likely the same people who will say that the church should monitor what couples do in their bedroom. Meaning if a straight couple, for the sake of argument, were to engage in kinky sex acts, it would be considered a sin, right fr_chuck and the rest???

In short, I accept people who are homosexuals, bisexuals, ect... for they are people who deserve respect not discrimination...however, religion is pathetic and should be done away with, religion has caused more harm than good.

2006-03-25 02:08:31 UTC
The Christians that say God does not love gay people are following the wrathful, vengeful God of the Old Testament. The same God the Jewish people worship. My God is a loving, forgiving and tolerant God of the New Testament. He accepts all walks and lifestyles. Even prostitutes as Mary Magdalene was.

There is no mention of homesexuality being deviant in the New Testament. Also, these people should not be so quick to judge others and worry about themselves and their own family's salvation.
2006-03-25 02:05:06 UTC
Homosexuality is deviant sexual behavior. That is, it is deviant of the norm. Yes, there is something "wrong" with homosexuals, even though it may not be their own choice. The first rule of nature is "self preservation & survival of the species". This applies to ALL living things. We don't need to look to the Bible or Oprah or any other source to verify this fact. Look at it this way: If we were all heterosexual, life would go on, HOWEVER, if we were all GAY, life as we know it would cease to exist in about a hundred years. I hope this puts an end to this for once and for all. Those of you who choose to disagree can continue to bury your heads in the sand and pretend that this fact does not exits.
2006-03-25 02:11:23 UTC
First homosexual behavior is preverted behavior, saying you can or should accept it is like saying a child molestor has the same right to have sex with children if they so want to.

God created the world but because of sin, men were perverted and this sin is passed down from generation to generation.

They exist because sin exists. 1/2 the world can be gay, but it does not make them right

what is ignorant is why people would want a second best relationship.

We don't have to ask if it is wrong to be gay, it is merley a fact of nature.
My Big Bear Ron
2006-03-25 02:27:04 UTC
Only those driven by insanity would bash homosexuality, for there is NOTHING in reality that's shortchanged, harmed, or even insulted by homosexuality. It doesn't matter why anyone likes it. It doesn't matter HOW the liking was "caused." It's NOT an illness in need of any cure. It is NOT anything in need of any change.

Homosexuality has been on this planet, not just in one little corner of this planet, not just in one town, one city, one country, but in EVERY culture of people (who knows how silent it was forced to be kept in so many of them) for longer than any of us really know.

Homosexuality is a part of the humanity on this planet and humanity would be better off to embrace it with pride in its power to do so rather than continue to wallow in the nonsense so religiously held onto even up to this very day.
2006-03-28 17:44:54 UTC
A meme may be defined as any self-referential belief system which contains within itself the instructions for its own propagation. Memes are often described as the cultural equivalents of computer viruses.

A meme carries exactly the same psychological motivation as a chain letter - "If you propagate me then something nice will happen, if not then something horrible will happen". In order to justify themselves against attack by reason, memes place absolute reliance on faith, which is seen as being superior to reason. They also contain self-referential or circular claims to the truth such as "This meme says it is the divine truth. Since it is the divine truth whatever its says must be true. Therefore it must be divine truth because it says so and all competing memes must be the work of the devil".

These two types of self-referential statement "propagate me" and "I am the only truth" provide the driving force for memes to invade the minds of their hosts. In addition, many memes contain the instructions "Help people who believe in this meme, attack people who do not". These commands being the ultimate cause of all religious wars throughout the centuries.

The general defining features of all memes can thus be seen to be self-referential 'closed-loop' type of circular statements, and a strong tendency towards intolerance. The science of the study of memes, their internal structures and modes of propagation is known as memetics (by analogy to genetics - how biological entities propagate themselves).
2006-03-31 20:58:39 UTC
An excerpt from a book wriitten by Dr. Gerard Van Den Aardweg;

" If they convience themselves that homosexuality is morally good and beautiful, they either lose their faith or invent one of their own, which sanctions their desires"

Fantasies are one dimensional representations of reality, tailored to your desires and what you want the world to be.

They require an editing of reality. That is to say you must delibertely take out elements that don't coincide with, or contradict, what you want.

You then overemphasize those elements that serve your wants and desires.

Reality, however, is far more complex of a problem, because it still contains those elements you wish to ignore.

God says to hate the the sin but, love the the sinner.

Paul tells us in Romans that such people believe a lie. That is they believe that they and their own private lusts are much more important than obeying God or of even acknowledging that God is the creator of all.

(Roman 1:18-25)

So, yes God made us all with DESIRES. But just because we desire to have/do something, doesn't mean we get to have/doit!

Just like when you were little kids, your parents had to tell you NO, sometimes. And there were reasons you were told no.

"Therfore God gives them over to DISHONERABLE PASSION. For their females, besides, alter the natural use into that which is beside nature. Likewise also the males, besides, leaving the natural use of the female, were INFLAMED in their CRAVING FOR ONE ANOTHER, males with males effecting INDECENCY, and getting back in themselves the RETRIBUTION of their deception " (Romans 1:26-27)

"Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful: but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God, into an image made like to corruptible man , and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves" (Romans 1:21-24)

"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are NOT CONVENIENT" (Romans 1:28)

God also made it clear to us all, that he was not making it easy for us here on earth. And there would be rules to follow.
2006-03-25 02:21:27 UTC
I agree with you but I read your question anyway. is that alright? hope so.

Anyway, I agree that God created all people. He loves you just the way you are and don't pay any attention to people who want to bring you into a church so they can "fix" you. you're not broken.
2006-03-25 02:12:26 UTC
Dear Soun,

It is OK to be however you are. It is also OK to take time to discover all things about yourself in your own time. I do not have knowledge of God and his/her intention for you. I can only have this knowledge about myself. Your path is for you to explore and learn. It sounds to me like you are already doing that.
RudieCan't Fail
2006-03-25 01:58:35 UTC
Be what you want to be baby. Only insecure people care what others are up to.
2006-03-25 03:42:17 UTC
i believe that there is nothing wrone with it
2006-03-25 02:23:58 UTC
I don't care at all.

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