I. Love. Surveys.
1: What would you like to ask me?
2: How’s life treating you??
Um...life...is...treating me...good?? lol Yeah I'm doing great!!
3 : What did you dreamed of the other night?
...Dan...and me...and Dan...*blush*
4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy??
Dan, told me I was cute. *blushes furiously*
5: What are your dreams made of?
Fluffy clouds and cake.
6: Who’s your idol?
Kaze-hime. ~~> http://kaze-hime.deviantart.com/
I know good art when I see it, and her art PWNS!!! And it's not me. ;_;
7: Are you in any religion?
...No...I mean, does Christianity count?
8: Do you like anyone right now??
Oh yes. Oh God yes. DAN!
9: Visit Tokyo or NYC?
Tokyo, no question about it.
10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?.
Stay as I am - if people hate or like me more it'd be for a person I'm not. Plus...if the people I really love love me as I am then I don't want to change! <3
11: What are you doing this Spring Break??
Drawing, writing, cruising on the internet. Thank you for asking!
12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work??
Work. Oh Christ work would be so much more INTERESTING! That is until I start art class. ;3
13: Do you believe in karma??
Depends. Is it "what comes around goes around (goes around and back around again...)"??? If so, then sure. I mean, if you are mean to me the negativity will go back around in the form of my fist, so...
14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)???
A really deformed duck.
17: Did you enjoyed these questions?
Incorrect grammar. "Did you ENJOY these questions?" LMAO Yes I did. I did a lot. I did the grammar thing for the hell of it. But I love your questions they make me laugh.
16: Have you seen me before??
No. Not that I can remember. Unless you've been to Hilo, Orland Park, or Honolulu recently.