LGBT: You’re My Dream..(16 Fun Surveys Duh!!)?
StarStruckk™ Is A Monstur!!
2010-03-14 00:05:46 UTC
you don't have to answer all of them .. but anyways have fun!!

1: What would you like to ask me?
2: How’s life treating you??
3 : What did you dreamed of the other night?
4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy??
5: What are your dreams made of?
6: Who’s your idol?
7: Are you in any religion?
8: Do you like anyone right now??
9: Visit Tokyo or NYC?
10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?.
11: What are you doing this Spring Break??
12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work??
13: Do you believe in karma??]
14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)???
17: Did you enjoyed these questions?
16: Have you seen me before??
*Muah* thanks for answering!
34 answers:
2010-03-17 17:50:46 UTC
1: What would you like to ask me? when did you realize you were gay/bi

2: How’s life treating you?? pretty damn good, just had a b-day, been at my job for 7 1/2 years, been with bf for 7 years....lifes good

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night? i hardly ever remember my dreams

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy?? bf

5: What are your dreams made of? whiskers on kittens.....

6: Who’s your idol? nobody, i dont idolize anyone, i like being original

7: Are you in any religion? f u c k no, i dont belive in organized religion, its very cultish and odd

8: Do you like anyone right now?? yea

9: Visit Tokyo or NYC? hard choice, but id say NYC edges out

10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?. stay as i am, i love me

11: What are you doing this Spring Break?? work as usual, but dont have to wake up and have a 7am chem

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work??i really enjoy school

13: Do you believe in karma??] ehh

14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)??? tiger woods......foreeeeeeeeee

17: Did you enjoyed these questions? sure

16: Have you seen me before??nope

*Muah* thanks for answering!
2010-03-17 21:26:54 UTC
1: What would you like to ask me?

-What's your name?

2: How’s life treating you??

-It's alright.

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night?

-I didn't dream at night, but I had a bad dream when I took a nap.

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy??

-One of my friends.

5: What are your dreams made of?


6: Who’s your idol?

-I don't really have one. My dad, probably.

7: Are you in any religion?

-I'm a Buddhist.

8: Do you like anyone right now??


9: Visit Tokyo or NYC?


10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?.

-I think I'm fine.

11: What are you doing this Spring Break??

-I want to walk as far as I can in any direction for the duration of my break

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work??

-If I had a job, then probably work

13: Do you believe in karma??]


14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)???

-Fish. It's always fish.

17: Did you enjoyed these questions?

-Yes, I enjoyed them.

16: Have you seen me before??

-No, I hardly use Answers anymore so that's why.
2010-03-14 00:46:25 UTC
1: What would you like to ask me? - Are you a natural blonde?

2: How’s life treating you?? - Pretty good.

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night? - I'll get a VN if I tell you. Ha ha.

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy?? - My bf this morning.

5: What are your dreams made of? - The thoughts that float around in my head.

6: Who’s your idol? - Don't have one.

7: Are you in any religion? - Nope.

8: Do you like anyone right now?? - My bf.

9: Visit Tokyo or NYC? - NYC

10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?. - I'll stay as I am thanks!

11: What are you doing this Spring Break?? - I'm too old for that. Ha ha.

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work?? - Work.

13: Do you believe in karma??] - Definitely

14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)??? - Love.

17: Did you enjoyed these questions? Yes, it reminds me of P&S.

16: Have you seen me before?? - Yep, you gave me a BA. Thanks!

free hugs ♥'s Britney Spears
2010-03-17 14:28:29 UTC
1: What would you like to ask me? do you like tacos? haha

2: How’s life treating you?? life is alright.. better than it used to be :)

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night? my friend.. haha

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy?? a yahoo user aha

5: What are your dreams made of? rainbows

6: Who’s your idol? britney spears..

7: Are you in any religion? yes. roman catholic :)

8: Do you like anyone right now?? yes i do!

9: Visit Tokyo or NYC? NYC.. i dont speak japanese..

10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?. ehh stay as i am

11: What are you doing this Spring Break?? nothing that i know of yet..

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work?? school.. never had a job lol

13: Do you believe in karma??] very much so

14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)??? 2+2=5 is a good song.. ahha

17: Did you enjoyed these questions? yes i did :)

16: Have you seen me before?? don't think so.. i haven't been on much lately though you seem really cute though :)

2010-03-15 13:47:29 UTC
1: What would you like to ask me? How is your dayyy:)

2: How’s life treating you?? Alrighttt:D

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night? This girllll

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy?? my friendd haha.

5: What are your dreams made of? i dont even know sometimes they're so weird.

6: Who’s your idol?dunno. i don't think i really have one

7: Are you in any religion? i'm baptized, communioned, and confirmed, so catholic. but i dont believe in it.

8: Do you like anyone right now?? ohgeez yesssss

9: Visit Tokyo or NYC? i'm in nyc all the time... so tokyo

10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?. stay as i am

11: What are you doing this Spring Break?? who knows man.

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work?? schoolll. (not a loser..)

13: Do you believe in karma??yepp. i'm quite superstitious actually

14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)??? if you flip the first 2 over, it can be a <3 kind of

17: Did you enjoyed these questions?yupp i love these:D

16: Have you seen me before??in person? no. on Y!A, all the timeeee:)
2010-03-14 00:15:27 UTC
1: What would you like to ask me?

What are you wearing? ;p

2: How’s life treating you??

Buried in school work!

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night?

Cuddling with a cute redhead <3

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy??

My ex did last night actually, lol. (we haven't been together for a while)

5: What are your dreams made of?


6: Who’s your idol?


7: Are you in any religion?


8: Do you like anyone right now??

No actually. It's nice for a change.

9: Visit Tokyo or NYC?


10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?.

The concept of popularity kind of died when I graduated HS. I'd stay as I am!

11: What are you doing this Spring Break??

I went to Disney world ^^

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work??


13: Do you believe in karma??]


14: 2+2=

The number of days until St. Patty's day!

17: Did you enjoyed these questions?

Yeah, they were clever

16: Have you seen me before??

Nope D;
2010-03-14 17:56:19 UTC
1: What would you like to ask me? do u really have size 18 shoes?lol

2: How’s life treating you?? well

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night? cant remember

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy?? lol my cousin when i was wearing 3d glasses,said i was cute/shes 7

5: What are your dreams made of? traveling

6: Who’s your idol? my parents

7: Are you in any religion? i was christened a Catholic,but dont follow

8: Do you like anyone right now?? i might

9: Visit Tokyo or NYC? nyc

10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?. stay the same

11: What are you doing this Spring Break??

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work?? work

13: Do you believe in karma??] yeas

14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)??? ummm

17: Did you enjoyed these questions? always

16: Have you seen me before?? always
2010-03-14 13:18:02 UTC
1) Hey, hi how ya durrring?

2) Great.

3) Well last night I dreamt of getting hit in the face with a freaking paintball lol.

4) Brooooooke.

5) Hah umm things that I want to happen, have happened or just random sh*t.

6) I don't have one?

7) Catholic.

8) Yup.

9) Tokyo.

10) Stay as I am.

11) I don't know. My plans keep changing. But whatever I do it will involve the beach and my best friend lol.

12) School considering I have no job at the moment haha

13) Yes I do.

14) Quadruplets. Imagine giving birth to 4 kids at once? Oh hellllllllll no.

17) Yes I did :)

16) On Y!A, yes.

I love how you jumped from 14 to 17 back to 16. lol.
2010-03-16 11:25:32 UTC
I. Love. Surveys.

1: What would you like to ask me?


2: How’s life treating you?? me...good?? lol Yeah I'm doing great!!

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night?

...Dan...and me...and Dan...*blush*

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy??

Dan, told me I was cute. *blushes furiously*

5: What are your dreams made of?

Fluffy clouds and cake.

6: Who’s your idol?

Kaze-hime. ~~>

I know good art when I see it, and her art PWNS!!! And it's not me. ;_;

7: Are you in any religion?

...No...I mean, does Christianity count?

8: Do you like anyone right now??

Oh yes. Oh God yes. DAN!

9: Visit Tokyo or NYC?

Tokyo, no question about it.

10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?.

Stay as I am - if people hate or like me more it'd be for a person I'm not. Plus...if the people I really love love me as I am then I don't want to change! <3

11: What are you doing this Spring Break??

Drawing, writing, cruising on the internet. Thank you for asking!

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work??

Work. Oh Christ work would be so much more INTERESTING! That is until I start art class. ;3

13: Do you believe in karma??

Depends. Is it "what comes around goes around (goes around and back around again...)"??? If so, then sure. I mean, if you are mean to me the negativity will go back around in the form of my fist, so...

14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)???

A really deformed duck.

17: Did you enjoyed these questions?

Incorrect grammar. "Did you ENJOY these questions?" LMAO Yes I did. I did a lot. I did the grammar thing for the hell of it. But I love your questions they make me laugh.

16: Have you seen me before??

No. Not that I can remember. Unless you've been to Hilo, Orland Park, or Honolulu recently.
Zoya (Bisquick, zombi cola)
2010-03-14 00:17:46 UTC
1: What would you like to ask me? cake or pie?

2: How’s life treating you?? ehh, could be better, could be worse

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night? honestly? it was gross.

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy?? a guy in my drawing & painting class

5: What are your dreams made of? random!

6: Who’s your idol? tie between Sara Quin, and Tegan Quin

7: Are you in any religion? no, if i was it'd be buddhism

8: Do you like anyone right now?? si senor

9: Visit Tokyo or NYC? NYC

10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?. as i am

11: What are you doing this Spring Break?? nothing, it sucks

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work?? work, you dont get paid for school

13: Do you believe in karma??] sometimes

14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)??? WALRUS!

17: Did you enjoyed these questions? yup yup

16: Have you seen me before?? of course!
2010-03-14 11:35:50 UTC
1: What would you like to ask me?

Wanna be friends ?

2: How’s life treating you??

pretty good right now :)

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night?

me and my friends finshing our movie : ]

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy??

jizzy : ]

5: What are your dreams made of?

uhhh ... usually my friends are in it .. if thats what your askin

6: Who’s your idol?

i really dont have on

7: Are you in any religion?

my family is buddhist ... and ill go along with what i think is right :) free spirt .. for me :]

8: Do you like anyone right now??

yesss ... soo muchhh

9: Visit Tokyo or NYC?


10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?.

stay like i am, being popular tends to come with drama

11: What are you doing this Spring Break??

goin to tennesee with my friends :)

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work??

school .. i have no job

13: Do you believe in karma??


14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)???

an orgy party,

17: Did you enjoyed these questions?


16: Have you seen me before??

no i havent

i would like to though : ]
2010-03-14 00:22:53 UTC
1. Are you naturally blond?

2. Meh.

3. Nothing.

4. Rather not say.

5. this. Who are you to disagree?

6. No one.

7. Atheistic Satanist.

8. No.

9. Beirut's just fine.

10. As I am.

11. I might look for a job.

12. Depends on the work. School's not that bad.

13. No.

14. 2+2=Orgy

16. On here, yeah.

17. Sure.
2010-03-14 05:07:39 UTC
1: Is that you in the pic?

2: QQ

3 : Some funky dream I can't remember

4: Never been said =[

5: Figments of my imagination

6: L. Gaga

7: no sir

8: I sorta wish not =[ he's straight to my knowledge

9:Tokyo! NYC is not so great

10: Tough tough question... since I have haters and am lonely now I guess have some?

11: Goin apes^^t on my house!!!

12: work

13: Sometimes

14: 2+2 = ( 2+x)(-1+x) if x= 2 or 5

17: Yea

16 I think so. But I have answered surveys before
2010-03-14 01:15:45 UTC
1) Is that you in the pic?

2) the moment it's just "eh"

3) oh, really weird's spring break here in college and I was in I think the library. There weren't any stairs so I had to slide down some kind of post. As I walked through, people were laying all over the floor. I'm guessing they'd passed out from drinking cause it was spring break. Suddenly, I was in a room with my mom, sister and grandma...nvm it's too long...

4) ...last I heard was from a girl who said I had really nice boobs

5) neurons

6) I don't have one anymore. I used to love Alicia Keys though.

7) nope. I believe in God, but I'm not at all religious. Screw rules on life.

8) I do. She's apparently straight and has a long long distance bf she never sees yet they are long term and he makes her feel complete :( But she flirts with me...and it's nice but confusing

9) New York City please

10) If you're popular you have a lot of I'd rather be popular.

11) Nothing...f-ck it. I have no money. I'll go to a couple movies probably.

12) work...though I'm not working

13) no.

14) Roasted Duck

17) some were ok...they weren't challenging enough though...give me some that make me think

Why are the numbers all messed up?!

16) You asked this in your last quiz. so yes, I have seen you before here on Y!A. You've been on here all night.
strange maze, what is this place
2010-03-17 21:12:46 UTC
1: What would you like to ask me?

how are you?

2: How’s life treating you??

good :D

3 : What did you dreamed of the other night?

my girlfriend <3

4: Who was the last person that told you that you were hot/cute/sexy??

my girlfriend!! <3

5: What are your dreams made of?

lots of sexy stuff

6: Who’s your idol?

shaun white, billie joe armstrong, kurt cobain, mike dirnt, tre cool, damian kulash

7: Are you in any religion?


8: Do you like anyone right now??

my girlfriend!

9: Visit Tokyo or NYC?


10: Be popular but have a lot of haters or just stay as you are?.

haters AKA how i am

11: What are you doing this Spring Break??

mine is over

12: Do you prefer to go to school or to work??


13: Do you believe in karma??]


14: 2+2= (BE CREATIVE)???

eleventy seven

17: Did you enjoyed these questions?


16: Have you seen me before??

2010-03-17 19:20:04 UTC
1. Do you do this often? ("16 Fun Surveys")

2. Pretty Good

3. I was going to my old crushes new house, but a cat fight outside woke me up, an HOUR early >:|

4. No one told me it that I can remember, but my mom told me this cashier was checking me out this weekend 0_o

5. My dreams are of my life in the future

6. I can think of so many, but I'd have to say Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga

7. Pshh, no, I'm an atheist

8. A tiny bit, this new guy at school

9. NEW YORK all the way!

10. No, I'd HATE to be popular. I'm pretty much the opposite and want to stay that way (total nerd) XD

11. I did like hardly anything, but I did watch Alice in Wonderland and Julie & Julia

12. School, I love learning, but I would love a job for the money

13. Kinda, what you give out, you get, and sometimes it's coming for ya

14. The "perfect" family

15. No problem!

16. Nope

17. I love answering questions! ANY in school or general XD
The evil tacos Noo
2010-03-20 12:25:37 UTC
1. if you found 20$ would you pick it up? And if you could be one animal what would it be other then human?

2. it is. if that counts

3. a man eating taco that was with al gore that tried to kill me. (L.o.n.g STORY) one

5. they are made of nothing but a bunch of randomness

6.bob dole,

7. Not really,

8. I love some one.

10. Stay as i am

11.hang with bf. over work.

13.not really.

14. 2+2= one leaf and three tacos on a tree with little more then 5less then the greater amount of these sums equal to the purporting of a ducks feather weight added to the sum of a nutmeg.

15. X=divide by 0 Muhahaha

17.I don't know

2010-03-14 00:23:29 UTC
1. How tall are you?

2. Eh...could be better. I do have a date tonight though. Boop boop!

3. Vampires...ALWAYS vampires. It's weird.

4. A coworker, all the girls thought my glasses made me look cute...but I hate my glasses....and I'm gay so I don't care what they think!

5. Cotton candy clouds and laffy taffy rainbows!

6. Blair Waldorf.....XOXO!!!!

7. No, I tend to make fun of religion. My FB is "Hellenic Polytheism" but I'm atheist if anything.

8. Yup.

9. NYC...never been but I love everything about it!

10. Be popular but have haters.

11. Either NYC (because I'm tired of people being like :O you've never been to NYC?!?) or Savannah Georgia!!!

12. Work.

13. Nope.

14. Porcupine gnawing on Justin Bieber's foot.

15.....non-existant question

17. Yup.

16. Yup
Timothy Y
2010-03-14 05:54:29 UTC
1. How do you do your hair? It looks cool.

2.'s OK I guess...

3. Something about the grocery store I think...

4. My bf :D

5. Something to do with deep sleeping and REM sleep patterns.

6. Dangerous Muse and Kristen Chenoweth.

7. I go to a Lutheran church, but I'm kinda agnostic and wanna go to a non-denominational church.

8. I like my guy :)

9. NYC but Tokyo sounds cool too.

10. Stay as I am.

11. Nothing.

12. I would rather work because you get paid.

13. Eh...not really.

14. 2+2= six free puppies in a box.

15. Yeah, they were a'ight.

16. No.
Skylar J
2010-03-14 21:12:53 UTC
1. Is it bad to go out with a guy who has a boyfriend already but the guy hates him but has to be with him cuz he will get kicked out and have no where to go but really likes me.

2. Great, i have a major director/Writer reading my screenplay and i have a friend who is looking for me an agent.

3. I dreamed of this guy Zack (see question 1) I really like him... i cant remeber most but i know he was laying next to me

4. My ex boyfriend

5. Love and passion

6. Adam lambert... hot sexy and gay!

7. yeah christian

8. Yeah i do... Zack... i really wish he had his phone turn back on right now... i miss talking to him

9. i would go with new york... tokyo is really big and i prob cant understand what most people say

10. Well i am some what popular with alot of haters so why not go with more friends... popular.

11. well i was going to my friends parties this weekend but i had to help my next door ppl move so so far nothing unless they still plan on that road trip.

12. school! zack is there

13. yes i do... it gets me all the time

14. 2+2=69.... lol


16. Not really... just seen that lil pic on yahoo answers but thats it.
2010-03-14 06:18:48 UTC
1. why do I find you so sexy?

2.Life is good, a little boring at the moment though.

3.That I worked in a store and a woman came in and wanted to buy all of our old Easter candy, she said she had the munchies and wanted all our jelly beans!

4.A guy at the night club, a few nights ago.

5.Chocolate & peanut butter

6.Don't really have one

7.I am a Chrsitian

8.Yes, I have a crush on a guy who works at a store and I finally got the nerve to talk to him, and we are going out this coming week, sometime.

9.Been to both, would like to go someplace else.

10.stay as I am

11.Not sure...!


14.equals a good time!!


16.I have answered a lot of your questions, I think you are pretty cool!

17.Sure, your questions are always enjoyable.

Have a good night/day!!
2010-03-14 00:56:16 UTC
1. What's ur fav color?


3. Things girlfriend

5. Awesomeness

6. Gregory house /Sherlock Holmes/ john Watson/ James Wilson

7.yes house-ism


10 as I am


13. Sometimes I wish I did



16. Yes i have

17yes I did
2010-03-14 00:52:02 UTC
1. what is your dream job? also, what happened to 15 and why are 16 and 17 mixed up? lol

2. it's been pretty fair overall. but at this moment, i love it :D

3. my last fish died, and with his death, 20 other fish just appeared int he tank...i have no idea...

4. my friends tell me i'm cute/adorable all the time. but besides them, toms gay guy that came into work :) it made my day, lol

5. the good ones? wishful thinkings. bad ones? worries

6. hmm...i dont really have one. :/

7. raised christian.

8. yes :)

9. tokyo

10. stay as i am.

11. spring break is now over. was supposed to go to the keys with my best friend, but i havent seen her all week. so i watched my other best friends band play, hung out with another friend and watched a movie. the rest of the time iw as with my family

12. ugh, school! im getting so sick of where i work :(

13. kind of, yeah

14. 2 squared

17. yes i did :)

16. yes i have :)

thanks for the survey :))
2010-03-14 00:14:47 UTC
1. How are you? :)

2. Not too bad

3. Flying

4. My girlfriend <3

5. Hmm..

6. Lady Gaga

7. Nopppe

8. My loverrrr

9. NYC

10. Stay as I am

11. May go to Florida with my girlfriend

12. Neither D:

13. Yes!

14. 300 >:D

15. Sure

16. Yess!

:D <3
Nikki Love Her Lesbos ♥♥♥
2010-03-19 14:29:12 UTC
1.How Are You Today?

2.Ok I'm Pretty Confused

3.About kissing this other girl



6.Lady Gaga


8.Yes 2 people, a boy and a girl

9. NYC

10. Well I am all ready popular but some people hate me.

11.Going to ride 4 wheelers



14.Two unfinshed little fishes! 2

15. I made my own question!


2010-03-14 22:14:05 UTC
1. Will you marry me? . . . Now that we have that out of the way

2. Like **** my friend kissed me and I didn't want to now He'll probably tell evryone and end my relationship with the person I love because he came on to me. I hate him now.

3.Getting pelted with stones by all of my friends.

4.That asshole friend

5. Destruction and misery

6. I don't have one . . . I'll say GaGa

7. Looking into wicca

8. Yeah My girlfriend who is going to hate me


10. Just stay as I am I'm awesome and I'd rather be liked by few than hated by many

11. Going to the Beach WOOT WOOT!!!

12. School Cuz I sleep

13. Yeah everygood or evil you put into the world will return to you.

14. Anarchy

17.Yeah I can't sleep and these were interesting

16. Only on Y!A
2010-03-14 05:53:36 UTC
1. what is your real first name?

2. pretty crap

3havent had a dream in a while

5.everything you could ever imagine!!!

7. yes i am a strong practising catholic

10. stay as i am

11. well, since i'm in Australia Spring isn't til July so I don't know yet

14. 4, fish, heart, so big it's making my head pop

15. absolutely, but only before dinner!

16. yes (I'm watching you...)

17.yes but lol haha you mixed up 16 and 17

*Muah* right back at you!
2010-03-14 00:57:15 UTC
1: Are you stalking me? (lol...sorry I just like bugging you...teehee) ^-^

2: Its not too bad...really busy for the next couple weeks.

3: I think I dreamed about singing, I had an audition this morning so that's why

4: I just got an email today...although my one friend compared me to a curler on tv and said we were both very sexy men. lol (Apparently I look like Brad Gushue)

5: The stage

6: Jose Carreras, Luciano Pavarrotti, and Winston Churchill

7: The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

8: A few folks yes indeedy

9: NYC

10: Stay as I am... no one could hate me! :P

11: for Easter Break my grad class is off to Toronto for our class trip

12: job is lots of fun =D

13: You betcha! What comes around goes around and don't you forget it! :-)

14: A hot steamy foursome!!!

15: They were alright... I am bored haha

16: Of course I have seen you on the Y!A before
2010-03-14 00:13:15 UTC
1- how are youu? :)

2- Great! :D

3- I didint :(

4- some random guy o myspace lol

5- ?

6- I dont really have one :/

7- Nope

8- YES! :)

9-Tokyo since i lived in NYC

10- Stay as i am

11- Not sureeeee....

12- school, i dont want to worrkkk :/

13- somethimes

14- <3? <-- my creativity suckkkss D:

17- of course

16- no i dont think sooo

Asa Fox :3
2010-03-17 05:42:58 UTC
1) what's your name?

2) fine, could be better.

3) I dreamed that i had a substitute teacher was an alcoholic.

4) this guy in my second block class (can't spell his name)

5) RAINBOWS!!!!!!!!

6) guy fawkes.

7) nope.

8) yeah, my boyfriend (his name's dakota)

9) tokyo

10) just stay as I am.

11) I'm going to scare the crap out of my parents and party!

12) work. at least i get paid.

13) yes.

14) 2+2= the green bay packers(even though I'm not into football at all0

15) heck yeah!!

160 IDK.
2010-03-14 17:29:25 UTC
1) How's your day going?

2)It's going horrible :(

3)Gigantic mutant snails attacking

4)My friend Demi :P


6)Adam Lambert, My friend Demi, Some of my other friends, My mom

7)I'm a Christian

8)yup :)


10)stay as i am :)

11)Going down south to Tennessee with my friend's family :D

12)work, because i get money and you wouldn't believe some of the stories i get at work

13)Hell yes i do


17)Yes, I did :)

16)Maybe, i have a horrible memory when it comes to people

*muah's you back*
2010-03-14 15:26:09 UTC
1: whats your favorite thing to do in your free time??

2: its goin pretty darn good!! soccers good, so is the girl :)

3: dreamed about falling out of a plane.. lol. kinda scary

4: my girlfriend

5: dreams are made of life experience memories aha

6: everybody is my idol. all are different in their own ways.

7: nope

8: yes i do! i love her!

9: tokyo

10: stay as i am

11: goin to L.A. and then home. haha

12: im goin to school.. no job yet

13: somewhat. aha

14: swinger parttyy!!!!!

17: i love answering surveys, mucho divertido.

16: nope, wish i could meet you tho!

and *muah* thanks for asking!
Cousin Chopstix
2010-03-14 12:11:49 UTC
How are you?? :P

Ok at the moment.


My friend last night.

I dunno

I don't really have one.


Yes I do <3


Stay as I am.




Me and you

Yes I did

Yes I have
2010-03-15 11:11:47 UTC
That was so freakin long. I have no clue WTF why so long , man Oh man. Dang. Common make em easier

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.