shineun d
2009-01-27 15:18:57 UTC
.I thought well i did date a few chicks and folled around once but i never thought i could be bi it was me just testing it out and well lately ive been thinking, well i dont have the same feelings for guys anymore ive gottn tired of dating and well its been 4 months since me and my ex brooke up and i dated 2 more guys they were not what i wanted so i brooke up wt both of um and well im single again.
And so... theres this girl i met from school a month ago i really dig her but shes well very different from me shes loud and she likes hitting on EVERY female. Very crazy im like her oppsite.
Ive never been attracted to females in that way but i think shes sexy she sorta dresses like a dude and we have a lot in common so far, i dont talk to her or hang out wt her croud.
I think shes dating a chick now and she told me she might be gay to the fact she isnt into guys
Is this just me or what do u guys think.Iget crazy butterflies when im around her ive NEVER gotten them for a female EVER! lol jsut guys but now with guy i think are cute i dont even get a crush on anyone itss weaird!
not to mention idk why i think shes so sexy haha we kinda flirt she hits on me but she hits on a lot of girls and alot of girls here are not gay strange? well hmmm idk what to do and yeahh what do u people think??????