I've come out to my family and a few friends.
---did you plan your coming out?
No. When I do come out to more people, it isn't going to be set up in any special way. It's just going to happen when it feels right.
---what factors would prevent you coming out?
At first, I was afraid of coming out to my dad because he always seemed a bit homophobic. I haven't come out to people at my school because I'm naturally a private person, so I am a bit nervous.
---accidental/enforced coming out?
Sort of. I came out to my parents because I had been depressed and quit a bunch of my after school activities. My therapist and my mother were about to force me in to a church youth group, thinking they'd be 'more accepting' than most people. Obviously, this wouldn't have been the case. I ended out telling my parents, stopping the therapy, and joining my school's GSA. Couldn't be happier.
When I came out to some of my friends, it was basically because we were at summer camp and half of them came out. I figured it would be fine at that point to tell them.
---the aftermath of coming out.
My father's reaction: "Ok." Worked for me. My mother was basically expecting it for a long time.
Some of my friends were surprised, others were like "Yeah, I thought so"
---not out yet, what's stopping you?
I'm just naturally a reserved person, and there are a few people that may not want to be my friend anymore when they find out. I've gotten to the point, however, that I don't care, which is why I plan on coming out soon.
---how is your relationship affected by coming out? and by not coming out?
I can talk about it with the few people I have told, which is good. Luckily, I haven't gotten any negative reactions yet.
The people I haven't told- it's difficult, because I feel like I'm hiding my true self from them and I don't want to anymore. Lately I've gotten frustrated, as I'm becoming increasingly aware when people call things 'gay' as an insult and things like that.