why do Transsexuals think they are women?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
why do Transsexuals think they are women?
Eleven answers:
2010-08-04 13:25:16 UTC
I'm a transsexual and i don't think i'm a woman. Because i'm a transsexual man.

And by your logic cisgendered females who can't have children are also men then?

@Audrey why are you always answering transsexual questions with the same tired weak excuses to attack transsexuals. Seriously what the hell is your problem? You'd have to be a complete moron to actually refute all the scientific studies into brain sex. Men and women have different brain types, this has already been proven and when transsexual brains have been dissected and MRI scanned they do not match with the bodies sex. They are in opposition.

How can you possibly argue with what has already been found and documented by scientists?

What do you have to gain by constantly attacking transsexuals? Maybe you just get off on attacking people with genetic conditions and birth defects.
Erica fortes soli superant
2010-08-04 13:14:49 UTC
@ Audry

You're still at it eh? What's with this axe you have to grind regarding Transsexualism? Did a Transsexual person do you wrong? What do you hope to gain by proving Transsexualism isn't biological in origin? Seriously, even if you were correct (which you aren't) what do you hope to gain? We are still going to be treated by the professional medical community (you know the people who know more than you) as if we have a biological condition. We are still going to Transition our bodies to match our brains. We are still going to see professional therapists (who know more than you) to confirm we are not mentally ill. What makes you think you know more than thousands of therapists, researchers and doctors all over the world? What makes you think the American Medical Association is incorrect, and Audrey The Provocative is correct? Are you aware that the French government recently declared Transsexualism to NOT be a mental disorder. They no longer use the DSM entries as diagnostic tools. Are they all just suffering from some odd delusion over in France?

Highly educated people who have far more knowledge and experience in Transsexualism than you will ever have have declared Transsexualism to be a PHYSICAL BIRTH CONDITION. There are now MULTIPLE studies which confirm the STRUCTURAL similarities between the brains of Transsexual people and the gender they feel themselves to be (I can give you the articles #s on PubMed if you are so inclined as to read them.)

Are you actually so pompous and arrogant that you believe all these professional people with their vast combined knowledge are wrong, and you with your whopping 17 years on planet earth are right?

The trouble with most people isn't that they're wrong, it's that they're absolutely certain of things that just ain't so. If you realized just how silly you sound being so emphatic about things that are obviously wrong, you'd probably be laughing as loudly as I am right now.

@ Audry,

I don't need to prove the cause of Transsexualism to be certain it is real. Genetic epistemology is evidence enough. For the purpose of my argument, the cause is unimportant. What matters is demonstrating that it's NOT a mental condition, and the physical similarities between the brains of Transsexual women and cisgendered women is proof enough that Transsexualism is biological in origin.

Pay attention to the part where Dr. McGinn says "I don't think it's a mental illness."

Articles? These should get you started. Some of them are even free.

(PS - Your "2 points" answer was brilliant. Of course, someone with no axe to grind could have simply typed "no", and gotten their coveted 2 points, so why all the bloviation? Perhaps you were just practicing your writing skills?)
2010-08-04 17:21:07 UTC
I don't think I'm a woman, I KNOW I AM A WOMAN, and I don't give a $hit if you think I am or I am not a woman.
Punk Rock and Minerals
2010-08-04 12:14:03 UTC
Because we are women (except FTM transsexuals, who are men born in female bodies)

Lots of other women can't give birth either, due to a variety of reasons. We aren't the only ones.

And relax, if I get into a serious relationship with somebody, I'll tell them that I'm transgender before anything intimate occurs. But if I'm not in a serious relationship with you (such as friend or co-worker) I probably won't tell, as you don't need to know
☆☆ Dizzy Shortman ☆☆
2010-08-04 11:19:15 UTC
Your logic is idiotic and ignorant.

There are plenty of biological women who can't have kids. So I guess that means that they aren't women either right ?

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with gender identity. .

People who are non-trans, most likely wouldn't understand, and those who "think" they understand, most likely don't either. Believe it or not, there are quite a few people in the LG community who are ignorant upon the subject as well. Using the same logic you just used. All for equality, but when it comes to transsexuals and even bisexuals, they are not on the same level. Hypocritical at its finest.. Not all of them are like this, but there are quite a few who are and to think they are coming from the same community..

Audrey, once again, has no evidence, data, or links to back her claims. It is simply opinionated. .

I don't want to hear opinions, because everyone has opinions, I want facts. HARD facts. From reputable sources as well.. Not from some goddamn' blog or wikipedia. When you can provide reputable links, hard evidence, and actual facts, to back your claims, then and only then, I might cut you some slack. But until that happens, your opinions about transsexuals is about as pointless as a white crayon.
2010-08-04 10:30:05 UTC
i have no idea but many women who were born as women can't have babies. so what you are saying is every woman who has gone through menopause is not a woman anymore... interesting
2010-08-04 10:25:51 UTC
Post-ops are legally women
2010-08-04 10:27:34 UTC
There are many types of transexuals.

1. Those that experienced abnormal hormonal exposure in the womb resulting in a Female Brain Development in a male body.

2. Those that are born intersex, even if it is not OBVIOUS from the outside, so externally, they look "Fully Male" but their biology speaks differently.

3. People that are SEVERELY abused as Children, resulting in brain damage and mental illness that causes abnormal sexual orientation development, abnormal body image development, and abnormal sexual image development.

MOST M>F Transexuals are just born that way due to hormonal exposure that conflicted with their genetic development...

Some M>F Transexuals are Intersex and didn't learn about it until late in life...

Some M>F Transexuals are Intersex and never learn about that aspect of their biology...

► National Geographic Explorer: Sex, Lies, & Gender

Only the Judea-Christian/Islamic culture refuses to recognize the existence of more than 2 genders and that leads to so much unnecessary suffering for those that do not fit in to the "Two Gender Culture".

India is the first country in the world to require THREE choices for "Gender" in Governmental Documents... "M", "F", & "T".

New Zealand Culture recognizes 4 or 5 distinct genders...

Some South American Cultures recognize a minimum of 3...

► National Geographic Channel: Taboo. Episode "Gender Benders"

In Las Vegas, women bench-press 300 pounds. In India, transvestites, eunuchs, and straight married men marry for one night. How far would you go to cross the boundaries of gender?

► National Geographic Channel: Taboo. Episode "Sexual Identity"

From transsexuals in America to the katoey in Thailand, find out how far will people go to become the person they think they were meant to be.

Don't feed the trolls, treat EVERY question like it is real on the off chance that the person may find the REAL ANSWER enlightening.
2010-08-04 10:25:08 UTC
Well, they ARE transexuals.. which means they probably feel like they are a woman, as if they were born in the wrong body. It's something they are struggling with, so if this helps them, then so be it. It's really no one elses business. They may have a penis, and really are a man, but they know that, they don't need people bullying them about it.. and if they have the surgery then they HAVE actually become a woman.
2010-08-04 10:30:10 UTC
Transsexuals often assert that their "male or female brain" is a birth trait, (a biological mishap) created by various factors that differ per transsexual, for example, the "testosterone wash," that somehow finds itself in the brain of a developing fetus, causing the individual to believe that he or she is the opposite gender after birth. Therefore, to correct the supposed "mistake" that happened before birth, they get "sex changes" to alter their bodies to fit that of the gender they are believed to truly be, based on their brain of a specific gender. After transition, transsexuals are known to refer to themselves as the opposite gender, albeit it's clearly not the case. All the theories associated with transsexuals do not imply causation, have no true basis in fact, and are based purely on scientific myth. This "science" associated with the cause of transsexualism is nothing more than an attempt to prove that transsexualism, or gender identity disorder, has a basis in biology, asserting that it isn't a mental illness, which it clearly is. In reality, the "male or female brain" is the delusion that they suffer from, based on an uncontent feeling with one's biological sex. As for your statements, yes, you're right. Transwomen are not real women at all. Real women not only have a vulva, but they also produce ovum. Transwomen cannot do that at all, even after transition.

UPDATE: If transwomen are legally women, that law shouldn't exist. The law should be based one's sex by it's biological determinants, such as the gonads he or she were born with, while ensuring this individual was not born with a chromosomal disorder. Getting an operation to resemble the opposite sex doesn't change anything. Besides, "legally female" does not mean biologically female.



"You're still at it eh?"

I'm just answering a simple question and nothing more.

"What's with this axe you have to grind regarding Transsexualism?"

No such "axe" exists.

"Did a Transsexual person do you wrong?"

Off of Yahoo! Answers, no. In fact, I have never met a transsexual outside of Answers, but I have seen a few.

"What do you hope to gain by proving Transsexualism isn't biological in origin?"

On Yahoo! Answers, 2 points.

"Seriously, even if you were correct (which you aren't) what do you hope to gain?"

Seriously, 2 points.

"We are still going to be treated by the professional medical community (you know the people who know more than you) as if we have a biological condition. We are still going to Transition our bodies to match our brains. We are still going to see professional therapists (who know more than you) to confirm we are not mentally ill."

If you say so; I couldn't care less.

"What makes you think you know more than thousands of therapists, researchers and doctors all over the world?"

If you read my answer, you would learn that I have never said such a thing.

"What makes you think the American Medical Association is incorrect, and Audrey The Provocative is correct?"

Well, firstly, I never mentioned the American Medical Association. Secondly, to answer your other question, I actually did my own research regarding the theories associated with the theories of transsexualism. Of course, doing that, I found some scientific inconsistencies. I also found out that many of those theories have been long refuted.

"Are you aware that the French government recently declared Transsexualism to NOT be a mental disorder."

A declaration doesn't mean anything. The French government still lacks efficient proof that transsexualism isn't a mental disorder.

"They no longer use the DSM entries as diagnostic tools. Are they all just suffering from some odd delusion over in France?"

If they're suffering from transsexualism, then yes, they are. However, it's just that transsexualism isn't seen as a delusion, when it clearly is.

"Highly educated people who have far more knowledge and experience in Transsexualism than you will ever have have declared Transsexualism to be a PHYSICAL BIRTH CONDITION."

Again, I reiterate a simple *declaration* does not prove any facts. Again, no efficient evidence exists that proves transsexualism exists without reasonable doubt. All that exists are *already refuted theories or complete scientific myths.*

"There are now MULTIPLE studies which confirm the STRUCTURAL similarities between the brains of Transsexual people and the gender they feel themselves to be (I can give you the articles #s on PubMed if you are so inclined as to read them.)"

I am aware of the studies. Sure, I wouldn't mind reading the articles.

"Are you actually so pompous and arrogant that you believe all these professional people with their vast combined knowledge are wrong, and you with your whopping 17 years on planet earth are right?"

No. I am not "pompous" and "arrogant." Honestly, the fact that these people are "professional" still doesn't change the fact that transsexualism rests upon scientific myths and/or refuted theories. Also, it's completely illogical to believe something simply because the individual in question is a professional. See the fallacy of "appeal to authority." Of course, the professional can still be incorrect, and because many of the theories have been refuted and they still claim, with absolute certainty, that the studies ensure causation of transsexualism, they're wrong. I guess, by that logic of just believing a professional, I should believe the professional scientists and doctors that assert, from their studies, that people of different races are biologically inferior, despite the fact that the racism theories have been long refuted years ago, as it's been proven that people of all races have the same cognition level?

"The trouble with most people isn't that they're wrong, it's that they're absolutely certain of things that just ain't so."

Irrelevant. I am not "most people." I am one person.

"If you realized just how silly you sound being so emphatic about things that are obviously wrong, you'd probably be laughing as loudly as I am right now."

I guess so...if I were actually wrong. My question for Erica. Since you're much older, more experienced, and MUCH MUCH more knowledgeable than me, Erica, what is the definite cause of transsexualism? If this supposed causation you post has any inconsistencies, I will post the science I found that will refute it. If the cause is based upon a logical fallacy, I will correct it. So yes, you're probably laughing now, but we'll see who's "laughing" when you fail to show me a *direct* cause of transsexualism.
2010-08-04 10:21:56 UTC
Do you think they should put pictures of missing transvestites on cartons of half and half??

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.