I'm muslim but I'm gay. Is that illegal?
2006-12-22 16:13:30 UTC
I'm muslim but I'm gay. I've never pray in my life, I've never drunk any alcohol and I won't drink any. I know being gay in Islam is a such a big sin, but I dunno what to do. I prefer to be gay and never think that I'm muslim.
68 answers:
2006-12-22 16:17:33 UTC
Just live and be happy. Allah created you and loves you no matter what, I'm sure.
2006-12-23 02:43:29 UTC
It must be very hard for you. Assuming you are living in the UK then it is not illegal to be gay irrespective of your religious background. If you are living in a country where homosexuality is illegal then clearly you have a problem. I was brought up within the christian faith but because I am gay I get nothing else but abuse from so called christians - despite the fact that they are always preaching that god loves everyone - I no longer follow that faith.

You are what you are - despite what some of the idiots in this column say - so you need to decide whether you want to live a life trying to hide your true sexuality or embrace the joy of loving a man and being happy. There are groups around that can support you if you look on the net. Just type 'muslim gays' into Google and lots of links will come up.

I wish you all the best and hope that one day you will be truly happy.
2006-12-26 10:43:37 UTC
Your are asking 2 different questions here: one religious, the other civil.

Civil law answer: In the UK, being gay, and practising your gayness, is legal in the eyes of the law.

Religious answer: In Islam, BEING gay is not illegal -- because how you were born was the will of Allah.

But, PRACTISING your sexual orientation IS illegal -- in the same way that being married, and having sex outside your marriage is also illegal.

You have to choose: are you a Muslim or not?

If you ARE a Muslim, you must adhere to (a) the Holy Qur'an, and (b) the Sunna of the Prophet (peace be upon him). That means that you can have a boy friend, but your relationship can never be intimate (no kissing, no sex of any kind, no seeing or handling his body from his knees to his navel).

If you are NOT a Muslim, you can have sex whenever and with whomever you like.

But there is no "in-between". A person who goes against the Holy Qur'an and the Sunna is not a Muslim. Muslim means "they who submit to the Lord". It does not mean "they who do as they please when they get horny").

So, you have to choose. Either follow you natural desire to have a male companion and have sex with him, or be a Muslim, and confine your sexual desires to a woman you have married, even if that's not so satisfying.

It's as simple -- and as difficult -- as that.
2006-12-22 18:09:07 UTC
You are facing one of the most difficult questions here.

Indeed you were born a Muslim,you have no choice.

But being gay,does not mean in the eyes of Allah that you are a bad person.

Nowhere in the Koran says that homosexuality is against the religion at all.

Where I live the Muslim community does not care what you are but more who you are.I have to add that I live in Holland.

In my own hometown live about 50 000 Muslims.I happen to know quit a few gay Muslims here ,that even live together with their boyfriends.

The most however are married and look for homo sex outside their marriages.I think that Allah will judge that harder.Why are they married:family pressure.Grandchildren must be created.

All you need is to move to a country that respects gay people for who they are and not for what they do in bed.

I just two days ago answered a question on here from another Muslim man.

I did not understand his question and told him he could use the Yahoo messenger and we did,

He will use it many times,because he has loads of questions.

I invite you to do the same.

All you get here is horrible advice.

Greetings Rob.xxxx
2006-12-22 18:06:54 UTC
First of all, being gay in Islam is illegal. I'm Muslim so I know that's illegal even there many Muslim are gay but that not means that's ok or legal and you must know you still Muslim and gay both better than you forget Islam at all and be come gay. If you read the holy Qur'an you'll fine the God speak about people were gay in many years ago and you'll find how the God punished them.

You're as your thinking so don't think you were born gay because you'll still think you're gay, but if you think you aren't gay you'll find you aren't.

You must know gay Muslim after this live I in the last day the God might punish them but at least the God forgive them and inter them in Heaven.

Finally you must learn about Islam especially the most five important which are (believe the God is only one and the prophet Mohammed is the last messenger of the God, praying, fasting, charity and pilgrimage to Mecca) all these five under some conditions

Think optimistically.
2006-12-22 18:30:46 UTC
Listen. Law of the country comes above laws of religion. If your country says it's illegal to be gay, then it is in that country and vice versa. But then, the law is flawed. The particular clause in the religion is flawed, not the religion or the country.

I'm an Indian. It's illegal to be gay in our country because of an obsolete law passed over a century ago. But that has not stopped many gay people to fight for their rights. You are gay first and muslim second. Gayness defines you as an individual and muslim defines you in a community. If your religion is taking away your individuality, then you should change your religion.

In fact, I think there should be no religions at all because one or more of the religious laws always come in way of a person's individuality. Each person should have his/her own religion.
Mr Cuban
2006-12-22 17:51:54 UTC
Hey... I was surfing in Yahoo Answer and your question just popped to my eyes. I had a relationship that last for 2 years. He was Arab and he kinda was in your situation. I think I understand how big your dilemma is... between you religion which in your case is more a way of life and you sexuality. If you reject your religion you know is not just that, your entire family could reject you, no matter how big is their love for you, that's what they were told to do and feel since they were born, I'm not saying is right or wrong, it is just the way it is... in the other hand... are you going to be unhappy and hide your true feelings forever??? This is something only you can solve... but think this... if you come out to your family there is always two possible reactions to wait... being rejected or being accepted... if you don't do it... you just have one... being unhappy.

Whatever you decide, Good luck.

P.S: By the way, there is nothing ilegal about being gay in the occidental way of thinking.
2006-12-23 13:18:53 UTC
All people of all religions fall short of perfection.

Traditional religion has made a taboo of sex for very good reasons, in that health care was not known when these religions were established, and avoiding disease and cross-infection was then a number one priority.

Try to think beyond that, and see these Muslim laws for what they were and are.

I have known many young Muslims who are gay, and it is a very real problem for them; with strong family and religious rejudices to deal with.

There are youth and young-adult counselling organisations in most local authoriuties who could put you in contact with others in the same position as yourself. A problem shared is a problem resolved to some extent, and you will find the strength to deal with it in due course.

Good luck!
Ishfaq A
2006-12-23 05:13:28 UTC
Almighty Allah is the most kind gracious,

I found a little spark of hope in you that some thing is pinching you. It's never too late, ask Allah for his forgiveness, Allah almighty will forgive all the sins except put partners of him. Only the Shirk is the biggest sin as per quran, but other all are able to be pardoned.

One of your Muslim brother.
2006-12-23 14:02:58 UTC
Back in the day, before I was atheist, I was Muslim. Im not going to sit here and ridicule Islam instead Im simply going to tell you that one of the reasons (which were a million, but thats another story) is an ayah referring to the execution of two men who "lie" together and do not repent. Its also one of the greatest sins to not pray - so its best you choose your priorities - give yourself to religion? Or be who you are?
2006-12-24 04:24:19 UTC
Salam Fiz,

I would first like to tell you that you are not alone in your struggle. There is an online group for Muslims that are dealing with these issues and you can visit us at You will be able to find others that are dealing with the exact same issues that you are dealing with.

Remember that so long as you don't do any acts that are illegal then you are not sinning.
Sui Generis
2006-12-22 18:42:13 UTC
I am also Muslim and I am gay. Don't think that just because you are Muslim you can't be gay. Or that since you are gay then you can't be Muslim. Being gay is a natural part of you, and that is how Allah (Swat) has made you.

I would say that try to find your inner spirituality before doing any thing else. Don't quit being a Muslim just because some people around you think that you can't be muslim AND gay. The matter is solely between you and Allah.

I was in the exact same place as you are right now. Hating myself and engaging in destructive behavior, I went as far as to attempt Suicide. But then I realized that all I was doing was because I wanted to get approval, approval of people. I believed what they told me, never bothering to do some research of my own. But then I opened my eyes, and saw the true spirit of Islam. I think being gay has made me a better Muslim than I was before. I hope you atleast consider what Islam really say about Homosexuality before you do any thing.

The only verses that Muslims use to condemn Homosexuals are the passages about Sodom. But after reading those passages I realized that all it really talks about is Heterosexual men raping men, trying to use homosexual sex as a tool for power. They were inhospitable to travelers and didn't heed the message that the Prophet had brought to them. So you tell me how is a loving and caring homosexual relationship is compared to a rape? The people of Lot were punished for all their crimes, being inhospitable and refusing to accept the message that Lot had brought to them. But seems like today the mainstream muslims have twisted the message into one that condemns homosexuality. Sorry but I can't accept that.

All I am saying atleast consider what Islam has to offer and look into it yourself, not some beat up Mullah who only preaches the message of hate.

You can also join this group and see what they have to say there.

you can also try to look into what Daayiee Abdullah an openly gay Imam has to say. And another openly gay scholar Dr. Muhsin Hendricks have to say about this matter.

I also recomend reading "Progressive Muslims" by Omid Safi.

You are also welcome to email me at

May Allah Guide you to the right path.
Fadi S
2006-12-23 10:29:09 UTC
I am muslim and gay. The thing about islam is that it also believes in science and unfortunately, this is one area where islam and science disagree. Only when I read the research that I understood what I am and maybe decide to accept my gay life. I will tell you what Islam says and what science says.

Islam says that gay is a desease that you pick up by touching. The Aya in the Quran says that the devil tried to change a group of very religious people in a town. He tried to tempt them to steal, tempt them to kill, tempt them to cheat, but nothing worked. Then the devil came down as very handsome young boy, he tried hard by touching and eventually tempted one man. This started the ball rolling and more and more men got tempted by touching and seeing. When women could not get sex, they got bored and started having sex with each other (Lesbian sex!). God spoke to Lout the prophet of the time to try to change this people back to the right way. Lout tried hard but did not succeed. Until those people attacked him and his wife was tempted by lesbian sex, God gave up. He asked his prophet to leave the town and leave his wife there. God pulled the town from its roots and turned it upside down and smached it down to kill everyone in it so as to avoid the spreading of the desease. Now this is why some islamic countries have interpreted this by creating a law that means anyone who is gay (seen having gay sex) would be thrown from the highest mountain or building to their death!

Now for the science. There are several theories as to why a person is 'born' gay. The most prominent I have read is a work by Simon Le Vay. He determined - through autopsy - that gay men and straight men have one single difference: the size of their hypothalamus (a gland in the middle of your brain and well known to be the source of sexual stimulation in human beings). With gay men it is small and fluffy were as in straight men, it is solid and large. He repeated this experiment with lesbian and straight women and found the reverse. Straight women had small/fluffy gland were as lesbian has large/denser gland.

So hypothalamus size wise:

Gay men = Straight women

Lesbian women = Straight men

Following years of studies, he determined that this gland is developed before birth. When he examined pregnant mothers during period of pregnancy he found that this gland gets developed during the 6th month of pregnancy. If the mother body thinks she has a daughter, she would give Oestrogen (female hormone). If she thinks she has male son, she would give Testosterone (male hormone). For some un-explained reason, the mother would give the wrong hormone. Depending on how long this hormone is given, the child may come up as Bisexual, straight acting gay guy, camp gay guy, or in extreme cases transsexual (a person who believes he is in the wrong body!).

Research into how to determine why this switch happens has been blocked. From one side, the church and religious groups would not accept it (because this would mean centuries of prosecuting gay/lesbians was a crime but more importantly it is a serious shake to their belief). From the other side, gay groups have pressured government and other organisation not to proceed in such research because this would mean there is a way to eliminate gays from existence! Hosptial scans can determine if a mother has son/daugther and a simple blood test can deterimine what hormone the mother is giving. The latest work as done by an Italian scientist two years ago who tried to determine if the mother had a genetic differences that results in this switch and managed to find some correlation in that most mothers with gay/lesbian children had actually gay/lesbian brothers and sisters!

See it is much more complicated that this but I hope I explained to you in best possible way. And if you are wandering how a bisexual man/woman hypothalamus would look, well it is medium size/denisty, they got mix of hormones and thus they would like both!

I am not saying that Islam is wrong or that even Christanity or Jewdism is better. I do know that the story in the Q'uran does not make sense. I knew I was gay as young as 5 years. What you decide to do with your life is your decision. Just be mature, do not hurt anyone, do not cheat or lie...then surely God (which ever religion he favours) will see this!
2006-12-23 07:32:49 UTC
nope...don't worry...remember that you are a person...problem with Islam if you look in a historical sense they're still burning people at the stake for being witches and stuff like that...another 250 years and they'll be where christian churches are now...i mean different religions and stuff i know...but i'm talking about atitudes and what we consider as civilised behaviour...i'm NOT saying nasty things about muslims...just saying unfortunately muslims are about 250 or 300 years behind the western world in attitudes to crime and punisment and stuff
2006-12-22 16:35:58 UTC
If your happy about it then its fine who cares what others think and if your religion condemns it ( and im saying this in respect) dont follow the religion, choose another one or maybe if it feels right to you dont follow one.

Im guessing this answers going to get critisism for the leaving religion bit but i was a catholic or christian could never remember wich for most of my life but after a while i jst never got the point of religion and thats why i became an Atheist and at first i felt a bit nervous but then i thought any religion that makes you feel that way for not following it shouldnt be followed.
2006-12-22 16:18:09 UTC
I am not any kind of gay advocate but anyone with a peaceful agenda is ok. If you think Islam is a perfect religion than make up your mind to follow it to the letter or not. The finest people I have met in MY 53 years have been kind, loving people and very very few of them have been very religious if at all. Balance it out or have a miserable life?
2006-12-23 12:55:40 UTC
My Best mate Nadeali, he is Muslim and he is Gay! It depends on how religious your family is, if there deeply religious then id hold off telling them, if there more westernised then tell them. If you go to Uni, then thats the time to really explore your sexuality!!

Good luck mate and have fun and stay safe
2006-12-22 18:46:53 UTC
look family may disown you but i'm just saying that because it happened to me recently, not to bring you down. it didn't change the way i am. i am still me. if people can't accept you, you can only accept yourself. if you are happy being both gay and muslim it should not matter. if you aren't, then look within and find yourself. it sounds to me like you never identified as a muslim and just go along with your family, be different, its ok. they may dislike it but be true to who you are...don't be fake!
2006-12-22 16:32:51 UTC
LOL is it legal why is gay a crime . Come on bruv . I know most Muslims I know take life all too seriously so at the end of the day probably going out with a white bird would be worse that being bent . So what the hell you are what you are who cares DO YOU MATE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2006-12-22 22:38:21 UTC
According to yor religion, yes, it is wrong. Then again, according to all religion being homosexual is wrong, sinful and against God, Allah etc. That's why I don't have any time for religion and it's dictates. You live yor life in whatever way makes you happy. Don't bow down to religion.
2006-12-23 01:38:54 UTC
In many islamic countries, being gay is illegal. I don't know which country you live in, so I can't be sure.
Maid Angela
2006-12-22 16:18:56 UTC
I don't understand how or why you think you are a Muslim. I assume your parents are or were but a religion is a state of mind not a condition of birth.
pa v
2006-12-23 12:56:29 UTC
its all ok if you have a religion and are homosexual, becouse religion cant control peoples private lifes...that would be wrong..and i dont think any other muslims should mind that your gay..its nature, and not an illness...nothing you can do about it... enjoy:)
Patrick K
2006-12-22 16:25:21 UTC
Your not a vary good Muslim. Not for being gay, for being ignorant of your own religion. Study the Koran, you'll see that in it, it says that its better ti spill your seed with another man than in complete vain. If you are relay Muslim, you would know that most sects encourage homosexuality in that they believe men are for pleasure and woman are for reproduction
2006-12-22 16:29:13 UTC
being gay is prohibited in all religions not just in Islam. if you are gay and have clearly acknowledged it then you have already 'washed your hands' of being a Muslim and you should not even refer to yourself as a Muslim any longer as Islam has abandoned you for your ways (especially because you quote: "I prefer to be gay and never think that I'm Muslim" ).

i wish you good luck & i pray Allah (swt) will lead you to the rightious path.
2006-12-22 16:35:57 UTC
Salaam Malaikum! I thought of a better answer that I think will help you. Please see link below about Irshad Manji, a Lesbian Canadian journalist who wrote a book about Muslim reform in "The Trouble with Islam." She found a way to claim her identity as is, and stand up for the reforms needed in Islam, not the other way around. I think this may help you more. But I am keeping my original post below, since people already voted on it as is.


Original Post [revised]:

[The only way this could be wrong is if you not being true to yourself. If being gay runs contrary to your true nature, then by definition it is not natural for you and you should abstain from it. If traditional Islam restricts your natural spirituality, then you may find more harmony in other forms of practice.]

There are Gay Christian fellowships and churches, so I am sure there is support for Gay Muslim followers if you wish to maintain your current tradition.

Spiritually, you need to find what is right and true for you, and follow that, instead of vice versa where you pick customs or traditions and try to conform to them.

I encourage you not to limit yourself in your search for personal truth, but to limit yourself in action while you do soul-searching.

What makes a sexual activity wrong is when you are intimate with someone who is not your committed spiritual partner, which otherwise causes emotional imbalance and suffering to the relationship. As long as you adhere to what is right and true for you, and in each relationship you have with respect to the same for the other person, you should not do anything contrary to natural or spiritual laws, or to either party.

If you have questions, seek counseling and find agreement and peace before you act on any desires or relationships. If something does not feel right to you, explore that and resolve it before acting on it. Listen to what your conscience, your heart and mind are telling you, and if you receive mixed signals then resolve them first. Otherwise, you may cloud your judgment and make mistakes. You can either learn what your limits are, what is true or not true for you in a relationship, by acting and possibly making mistakes that you will need to resolve afterwards, or you can find the answers in advance before you act, to minimalize the risk to yourself and your relationships with others.

Everyone learns by either foresight or hindsight, so as long as you remain open and in communication, and don't hide anything from yourself or others, you should be able to find the truth that works for you where you do not act on anything false or hurtful.
2006-12-22 16:24:12 UTC
I've been working in the Middle East for almost 3 years, and I've seen many "bi-muslim" men. These guys won't cheat on their wife with another women, but they'll go with another man in a heartbeat. I wouldn't have believed it myself until I seen it more than once....on the side of the highways, in public restrooms, public offers for sex, ect. Now in their defense, this is not all of the muslim men, but some. So just like the Christian faith, there are a lot of hippocrites in your muslim faith too. Best of luck to you.
2006-12-22 16:29:02 UTC
Man you are definitely in a big problem and you need help,why don't you try to ask someone to help you out,where is your family or your friends.i don't need to remind cause u probably know that this is one of the biggest sins in Islam.Your question really shocked me,you are afraid of being wrong infront of people and man-made laws and not afraid of god's anger for a terrible sin like that,can you imagine the anger of Allah on you when u r commiting this sin and the hell that will eat those who commit this sin.Wake up man,i can help u if u want that and this is my email,send me ur response
2006-12-22 16:33:49 UTC
Do whatever is right for you, because if you don't, then you will be miserable for all of your life. Look at Pastor Ted, a man who chose religion over his homosexuality.... if you deny yourself, the truth will be revealed eventually anyway.
2006-12-22 16:25:55 UTC
fiz homie ,, theres no such a thing as " was born gay" no matter what people say they are liars ,, and dont be like " life is short be happy" life sucks !! its not even worth it but dont ur heaven with ur life !!!! from now on hang out with real muslims start praying , trust me man you will feel diff it gonna be hard but its gonna be worth it .. im real muslim im telling you, i mean think about it this way , how old r u ? for how long u have been NOT praying and having sex with ur same sex? r u really happy ? you might be happy at some moments but not most of the time , i think its the time to change its the time to try someting new ,,
eric l
2006-12-22 19:14:40 UTC
man i dont want to be you!stay away from your ugly *** dirty muslim country saudi arabia if u want to live cuz they kill all gays and hang them, just turn christian dude and il **** you im 13
2006-12-23 19:30:04 UTC
The biggest mistake is you NEVER pray...
josei boy
2006-12-22 16:37:16 UTC
Salama Fiz, If I was you I wouldn't let that news about yourself get out , except to your 'gay' friends. I believe that in your religion of birth it is considered not only a sin, but in some sects of Muhammadanism its your death warrant..............keep your secret to your self..........................Inchalla ..............Inchalla

2006-12-23 13:42:07 UTC
go to Iran and ask a cop. I'm sure he'll tell you.
2006-12-23 01:48:50 UTC
no it's wrong.why dont you pray and ask forgiveness and ask for guidence from ALLAH.thats all i can say

good luck brother

i will pray for you
2006-12-22 17:13:43 UTC
made up story and question. what gives you away as a liar and story teller, muslims do pray. Maybe you should do some research before you post stupid questions that show how dumb you really are.
2006-12-22 16:27:46 UTC
Gay is unnatural and an abomination in the eyes of god, allah , buddah , or anyother omnipotent deity you wanna steal a car beat your wife puff a johnson or whatever do it but call it what it is sin is sin
2006-12-22 16:15:34 UTC
No, it's not illegal to be gay despite what religion you are. Maybe other muslims wouldt agree, but it's not illegal.

Krazy Libra
2006-12-22 16:43:36 UTC
You're lying aren't you? Doesn't really matter, i don't suppose you could no more change my mind than i could change yours.
2006-12-22 16:16:30 UTC
Follow your own concience and remember the leaders of your church are not without sin
2006-12-22 18:39:12 UTC
2006-12-22 16:15:57 UTC
There is NO such thing as a gay Muslim. Stop trying to ridicule other people's religion and have respect for them.
Alex J
2006-12-22 16:27:35 UTC
Be happy with yourself, don't agree with people who just insult who you are!!! If you're not proud to be muslim, don't be one!!! Stay fabulous like me!!!
2006-12-22 16:19:55 UTC
You no a gay guy is a girls best friend......although i dont beleive in it .......i acctually think it is very wrong....
2006-12-22 16:15:47 UTC
NO its not illegal--illegal is goverment and muslim isnt a gov..its a religon its probably a sin ...but i dont think theres anything wrong with it as long as your happy :)
2006-12-22 16:19:13 UTC
it may be against the muslim rules but not against God's rules whatever His name is. There is only one God and u are one of His creatures and He loves u.
2006-12-22 16:16:22 UTC
of course its not illegal. it might not be liked by your family, friends etc but if your happy it shouldnt matter
2006-12-22 16:15:01 UTC
Being gay is not illegal.
2006-12-22 16:14:50 UTC
So why do you still call yourself a Muslim?
alec c
2006-12-22 16:14:44 UTC
Iife is too short to worry!!! Be Happy
2006-12-22 16:19:56 UTC
there are lots of gay muslims, tons of them. i must have had sex with a hundred of them myself.
2006-12-22 16:49:18 UTC
its not lillegal u just will go 2 hell
2006-12-22 17:03:50 UTC
oh dear me
2006-12-22 16:16:57 UTC
Contradictory ! you're not a muslim ! Be Gay and forget about Islam or be muslim and hate gays !
Don't Tickle Elmo
2006-12-22 16:15:14 UTC
It's great. Have a drink too !
2006-12-24 09:33:31 UTC
you need jesus
2006-12-22 16:18:51 UTC
It certainly is illegal, you should probably turn yourself in before they hunt you down and sacrifice you to Allah.
2006-12-22 16:16:28 UTC
They wont need veils when youre around......"Hey Kesmond,take my hat off".
god knows and sees else Yahoo
2006-12-22 16:15:16 UTC
no --

on the next day you are praying, stand up and shout it out!!!
2006-12-22 16:15:06 UTC
Then just don't be muslim....?
2006-12-22 16:20:58 UTC
No it is not a sin. mohammad was gay himself and it's natural for muslim men to be gay. It's a toss up whjether god did it or nature.

That is one of the biggest myths of islam. islamic men are where christina men were just 50 years a go hiding their homosexuality when it's common knowledge that most freely engage in homosexual sex.

It's abnormal and wrong, but not your fault. you are a product of bad genes .

Just don't engage in sex with women and reproduce and god will forgive you.
Zenithia Victora
2006-12-22 16:18:28 UTC
I shouldn't be suggesting this, but it's either you repent and try to get counseling/therapy from your local muslim leader, or.. just.. be gay and get AIDS.
2006-12-22 16:16:27 UTC
ditch the religion you are what you are if people dont like it they can blow me
2006-12-22 16:15:32 UTC
2006-12-22 17:01:27 UTC
george p
2006-12-22 16:15:31 UTC
better be a gay then muslim
General T
2006-12-22 16:15:15 UTC
islam is a dumb religion anyway.
phillip b
2006-12-22 16:14:29 UTC
the gay i can forgive

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.