I have been on hormones for close to 3 1/2 years (still not full-time yet) and I really have not noticed any significant changes to my features (softening of skin, fat re-distribution etc...). I have discuss my concerns with my current Doctor but he is unwilling to change my HRT regiment. I did recently have my blood tests to see where my levels were at and everything at least with my levels were showing fine. My Testosterone levels are pretty much non-existent and my Estrogen levels were right where a CIS Woman would could be at but I am just not seeing the changes that I was hoping to. The only significant change I see is with my breast growth but honestly really all I look like now is a guy with boobs. I know that FFS will be necessary for me to continue on with my transition being on HRT this long I think would have a lot more of a significant impact on my features so what am I doing wrong or what else can I be doing?